CAMCON Technologies Group Inc. Achieve Peak Efficiency with the Industrial Intern | Page 4
Understanding The Internet
Of Things
• Of course, with respect to healthcare, the IoT is not limited to electronic
medical records. IoT extends to everything from digitally monitored
pacemakers to emergency notification devices to bionic prosthetic limbs.
IoT has revolutionized healthcare, maximizing technological advances and
allowing doctors and nurses to devote more time to urgent patient care.
• IoT and daily life
• IoT has changed virtually every aspect of daily life. From remote work to
online classrooms, the IoT harnesses the power and possibility of the internet
to make the world a smaller, more efficient place. On a basic level, the
implementation of sensors, monitored and managed digitally, has made
vast improvements in the logistics and handling of toll collection, thus
reducing traffic accidents and congestion. Machine learning has
revolutionized manufacturing, allowing for huge advances in engineering,
construction and on-the-job safety. The IoT also helps to maintain safety;
from home security systems that can be digitally monitored to electronic
monitoring devices (i.e. ankle bracelets) used to ensure compliance with
the law.