CAMCON Technologies Group Inc. Achieve Peak Efficiency with the Industrial Intern | Page 3
Understanding The Internet
Of Things
• Digital Rube Goldberg devices
• IoT can be a somewhat abstract concept to comprehend; it’s a huge topic
with endless applications. One way of understanding IoT is by envisioning a
primitive Rube Goldberg device. One action, such as the release of a lever,
causes a chain of reactions with an end result; every action has a
subsequent reaction. The IoT is a digital chain of events with an end result;
the implementation of software streamlines the process of getting from
point A to point B; the end goal is achieved while halving the process. The
chain of command has been shortened to maximize efficiency thanks to
digital automation. Why does implementing the IoT make the process so
much more efficient? Removing the possibility of human error.
• IoT and healthcare
• The Internet of Things has undoubtedly changed the world. It is difficult to
imagine a pre-internet world. In addition to allowing for instantaneous
information to be available at the touch of a button, the IoT has made
important, life-saving advances possible. For example, the IoT has made
electronic medical records a possibility. A patient’s medical history can be
instantly accessed by a physician thanks to electronic medical records; or,
in other words, the IoT (in this case, the “thing” being a person’s health
record). This is sometimes called the Internet of Medical Things.