Calvary Alive, June 2018 2018 June | Page 9

feeling of anxiety is a constant and dominating force that disrupts their lives. For these people anxiety is much more than just an occasional wave of apprehension. WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF ANXIETY? Social Anxiety is a fear of being around other people. People who suffer from this disorder always feel self-conscious around others. They have the feeling that everyone is watching them or staring at them, being critical in some way. Because the anxiety is so painful, they learn to stay away from social situations and avoid other people. This feeling is constant and may even happen with people they know. Panic disorder is a condition where a person has panic attacks without warning. Common symptoms of panic include: racing or pounding heart, trembling, sweaty palms, feelings of terror, chest pains or tightness in the chest, dizziness or lightheadedness, fear of dying, fear of going crazy, fear of losing control, feeling unable to catch your breath, tingling in the hands, feet, legs, or arms. A panic attack usually lasts several minutes and is extremely upsetting and frightening. A panic attack may be followed by feelings of helplessness. Most people who have had panic attacks say the greatest fear is the panic attack will happen again. Many times, the person who has a panic attack doesn’t know what caused it. It seems to have come ‘out of the blue.” At other times, people report that they were feeling extreme stress or had encountered difficult times and weren’t surprised that they had a panic attack. (continued on the next page)