(L-R) Usher - Richard Meier, Vonnie and Walt, Flower Girl - Linda Meier, Bridesmaid - Miss Dorothy Roelse, Ring Bearer - Kenneth
Meier, Best Man - Thomas Branks, Usher - Edwin Vinson. (Photo Courtesy of Norman Steinkraus)
Vonnie finished her work as a nurse on February 8, 1957, at Yarina and returned to Wisconsin. She was
commissioned as a missionary by her home church, the Evangelical Free Church in Sheboygan on
Sunday, March 10. On Saturday, March 16, at 7:30 PM, Walt and Vonnie were married in the church.
Walter’s father had died, but his mother Mrs. Malvina Steinkraus, and Vonnie’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur J. Schreurs, were present. Rev. Ellis Mooney performed the ceremony in a candle-lit sanctuary
complete with candelabra and pink and white hyacinths and carnations. Vonnie carried a white Bible as
she walked down the aisle. Music was provided by Mrs. Ellis Mooney, who sang, “Christian Wedding”,
“O Perfect Love” and “O Promise Me”, accompanied by William Wright. The Bridesmaid was Miss
Dorothy Roelse. Linda Meier was the flower girl. The best man was Thomas Branks of Fort Wayne, IN.
Ushers were Richard Meier and Edwin Vinson. Kenneth Meier was ring bearer. Mrs. Elizabeth Cudney,
Vonnie’s house mother at Yarinacocha, Peru, also attended the wedding. The reception was held at the
Lakeshore Room at the YMCA.
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