Chapter 3
What God Has Joined Together
Wycliffe directors wondered about the wisdom of having Vonnie leave Peru. After all, she had hardly
settled in there and hadn’t yet made it out to a jungle language area. They wrote Harold Goodall to
request his thoughts. He replied that, since Walt did not feel called to Peru and God intended for them
to be together, he (Harold) approved the transfer.
Walt’s next letter to Vonnie came with a proposal for marriage! He said that the Lord had answered his
prayer with verses from James 1:5 and Proverbs 4:11, 12.
Now, a decision needed to be reached by Wycliffe as to when to release Vonnie to the work in New
Guinea. After discussions in Peru and contacting a few people, Harold Goodall was able to find a nurse
to replace Vonnie, who was allowed to join Walt in his journey to New Guinea. Vonnie and Walt
announced their engagement in “The Sheboygan Press” on December 20, 1956.
February 1957 -Walt and Vonnie announce their engagement. (Photo Courtesy of Norman Steinkraus)
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