California Track & Running News Sept–Oct 2013, Volume 39 NUMBER 3 | Page 21
CTRN-SeptOCT2013__Layout 1 9/18/13 7:51 AM Page 21
be pretty boring. I thought, at the time, that the
marathon was an event for people who were too
slow for the track. But I did want to get a look at
this guy while he was running. When you see
someone for the first time and he’s running a
marathon, it’s not a particularly good demonstration. But, anyway, when I met him at this banquet, I thought, ‘What a handsome guy.’ He was
very accomplished, and had been to the
Olympics. (Editor’s Note: The runner was Ron
Daws, whom Moller later married and divorced.
Daws finished 22nd in the 1968 Olympic men’s
marathon, and was inducted into the Road Runners Club of America Hall of Fame in 1986.)
After a long distance relationship, he invited
me to come and stay with him in Minneapolis. So
the next year, I showed up and started running
these races. I did my first 5K and 10K races, which
was fine, but I was used to doing these 20-mile
[training] runs to get ready for my track races because that’s the way we trai