California Track & Running News Sept–Oct 2013, Volume 39 NUMBER 3 | Page 20
CTRN-SeptOCT2013__Layout 1 9/18/13 7:51 AM Page 20
20 ct&rn • September–October 2013
At the 2009 BAA Boston
Marathon, Lorraine
Moller and other race
champions were honored
with bibs sporting the
year of their victories.
out of the Trials. So [I got physical therapy] morning, noon, and night and somehow I was able to
get to Olympia. There’s no way I should have
been on that starting line. I did a 17-mile run two
days before I went there. Lisa Martin was training
in Eugene and she was on the Australian Olympic
team. She said she’d join me for that run. I said,
‘If I can cover 17 miles on Pre’s Trail, then I’ll go to
Olympia. If not, I’m not going.’
Meanwhile, my husband [Scott Samuelson],
who was my fiancé at the time, and a brother
from Maine and a brother from Alaska had already
made their ticket reservations and were going. I
remember calling them and saying, ‘Don’t. Save
your money; it’s not going to happen. Even if I get
to Olympia, there’s no way I’m going to make the
team.’ And they said, “We’re coming!” So I guess
I knew then if they were putting that much faith
in me, I’d better show up and run.
Everybody at the starting line was very supportive and my competitors were saying, “Why
are they putting you through this? Your time is so
much faster than everybody