{ Continued from page 4 }
with their fair projects and have competed at the
State Fair. These kids are learning at a young
age how to feed and care for their animals or
how to make amazing products in the shop.
The Bear River FFA members also love helping
out the community alongside 4-H members.
Together, each year they put on ‘Farm Days’
at the Nevada County Fair. At Farm Days the
FFA members teach kindergartners through 5th
graders about agriculture and FFA.
Each year there is a new group of excited
Greenhands that can not wait to see what the
FFA has to offer them. Outside of the classroom
the chapter has its own cookhouse at the home
football games. They sell tri-tip sandwiches,
hamburgers, and their famous cobbler. The
students love helping out in the cookhouse
with their chapter officers and advisors. They
also give back to the community by collecting
money and presents for their adopted family,
and putting on a holiday free shop. They are
all very generous and want to give back and
make the holidays one to remember.
Photo Captions (starting opposite page,
upper left, rotating clockwise): Bear River FFA
members at the BIG and Co-op competition;
Bear River’s FFA Ag Sales team taking third
place at Nationals; Bear River FFA member
working hard on his SAE project; The new
Greenhand at GLC learning about the FFA and
having fun; Program alumni Claire Newman
returns to give back to the program that made
a difference through her high school years and
helped her establish a career path (pictured
with advisor Steve Paasch); The Ag Mechanics
team prepares for their first competition; New
FFA members bonding and getting to know
each other before a competition! •
California FFANEWS • PAGE 5 • Winter 2017