Bear River FFA chapter is located in Grass
Valley in the Superior Region. The school is
very small, with about 600 students. While
the school is small, it doesn’t mean the FFA
program is not growing. The ag classes grow
more and more each year with students that are
eager to learn about the FFA and agriculture.
Most people would say that the Bear River
FFA program is the underdog, but they come
to win. Bear River FFA has won many national
and state titles making them the most awarded
chapter in California. It is so amazing that
these students are dedicated and love the FFA.
Each year they always work so hard to do their
best, and the advisors are there to guide them
and to help them achieve their goals. The past
three years Bear River FFA has won in state
finals competition and qualified to represent
California at national competition with a
Prepared Speaker, Agricultural Mechanics
team, and an Agricultural Sales team, coming
home with two more National titles! The
students in the chapter work very hard to do
well in competitions. They stay after school or
come before school to put in the time they need
to succeed. All the students in the chapter are
California FFANEWS • PAGE 4 • Winter 2017
so dedicated t