California FFA News Fall 2019 | Page 7

What are you looking forward most this year of service? CARLYN I am so excited to see students make connections between leadership and agriculture, realizing that the two feed off each other as opposed to competing for a following. REAGAN Traveling the state and seeing the depth of California agriculture along with meeting and developing relationships with agriculturalists across the state. LINDSEY I am excited to spend the next year learning more about the members of our association, and California agriculture! I look forward to sharing the passion for agriculture my family’s farm has instilled in me, and experiencing the impact of the FFA Organization KAYLA I’m looking most forward to the close connections and interactions I get to have and make with industry leaders, stakeholders, advisors, and most importantly members. With only a short year of service in mind, I will cherish the relationships that I build for a lifetime. MIRIAM I am looking forward to meeting all of you and learning what makes you, YOU! Being from the city, I am also excited to delve deeper into different areas of the agricultural industry and relay what I have learned. DAVID What I’m most excited for would have to be meeting individuals from different backgrounds. The reason being, to see how diverse each of our members are and understand what makes each of them unique and drawn towards this organization. What is your career goal? Favorite quote CARLYN “A leader’s greatest obligation is to make possible an environment in which people can aspire to change the world.” ~ Carli Fiorina REAGAN “You don’t need everyone to love you, just a few good people.” ~ The Greatest Showman CARLYN I would like to work in some form of research looking at food insecurity and varying levels of socioeconomic backgrounds, perhaps in conjunction with food banks. REAGAN Agricultural Lobbyist LINDSEY I just finished my first year at Fresno State as a Plant Science-Plant Health major in the Smittcamp Honors college, with the goal of becoming an ornamental horticulturist. KAYLA I will be attending Purdue University and majoring in agriculture business with a minor in policy to become an agricultural lobbyist. MIRIAM I plan to attend Chico State and work my way towards becoming an Agricultural Education teacher. LINDSEY KAYLA MIRIAM “Do not dig up in doubt what you’ve planted in faith.” DAVID Studying Agriculture Communications at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, in hopes of becoming an agricultural lobbyist. “Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others statewide.” Favorite “tech-free” way to pass time. “One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.” ~ Shannon L. Alder DAVID “ I would if I could. You can, so please do.” ~ Emmanuel Lucero CARLYN I am taking flying lessons in Davis to get my pilot’s license and I also enjoy reading books on leadership and rural America. REAGAN Sleeping and writing down my dreams as stories. LINDSEY I have always been creative and love to pass the time by baking decorated sugar cookies, playing tennis and doing photography. KAYLA I love to go horseback riding on my horse Scooter with my mom. MIRIAM I love traveling to mountainous, open-air places. DAVID Sports and spending time with family. • State FFA Treasurer KAYLA ZALESNY Birthday: June 27th Home Chapter: Nipomo FFA SAEs: Environmental Science and Natural Resource Management, Small Animal Production, and Sheep Production CDE/LDEs: Creed Speaking, Prepared Public Speaking, Milk Quality & Dairy Foods Judging, and Citrus Judging State FFA Reporter MIRIAM ALVARADO Birthday: May 20th Home Chapter: Lancaster- Antelope Valley FFA State FFA Sentinel DAVID LOPEZ Birthday: April 20th Home Chapter: Hotlville FFA SAEs: Diversified Livestock and Hydroponic Lettuce Greenhouse Management SAEs: Swine Production and Agriscience Research CDE/LDEs: Creed Speaking, Impromptu Public Speaking, Prepared Public Speaking, and Extemporaneous Public Speaking CDE/LDEs: Impromptu Public Speaking, Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Best Informed Greenhand, Vegetable Judging, and Pest Control Management California FFANEWS • PAGE 7 • Fall 2019