California FFA News Fall 2019 | Page 6

U MEE T YO R NEW With the conc lusion of the State FFA Lead Conference co ership mes another en ergetic and pa team of newly ssionate elected officer s! California FF caught up w A News ith the 2019-2 02 0 State Office learn a lit tle bi rs to t more about these leaders corduroy. inside the Share your most memorable FFA experience. CARLYN My most memorable FFA experience was being able to facilitate Greenhand Leadership Conferences this year. REAGAN Having the opportunity to meet the members whom my brother and I donated FFA jackets after the Carr Fire. LINDSEY As a junior, I won the State Agriscience- Plant Systems Proficiency. That led to my career goal today. KAYLA Celebrating the special needs students at my high school by honoring them with membership into our FFA program at our winter banquet. MIRIAM My most memorable FFA experience was a surprise thank you video from my fellow chapter members before my junior year banquet. DAVID My most memorable FFA experience would have to be serving as part of the state nominating committee. State FFA President CARLYN MARSH Birthday: August 17th Home Chapter: Arbuckle-Pierce FFA What advice would you give a freshman entering FFA? CARLYN It’s important to realize that this organization has something for everyone. All you have to do ask for the chance! KAYLA My advice would be to cherish every single moment, and take advantage of every opportunity you can, because four years really do fly by. REAGAN Get involved in any way you can; if you have a passion, pursue it. When it’s all over, rather than looking back and asking, “What if?” look back and say, “Remember that.” MIRIAM Whether you see yourself as the sports kid, shy kid or extroverted kid, there is a place for you in this organization. Your unique qualities and experiences are valuable, and this organization will only broaden your horizons. LINDSEY The FFA Organization is full of opportunity for those who are interested in becoming the next generation of agricultural leaders. In all you do, reach out of your comfort zone with an open mind, and be present. DAVID Take advantage of this experience. The best things happen when we step out of our comfort zone. State FFA Secretary State FFA Vice President REAGAN DAHLE Birthday: February 8th Home Chapter: Bieber-Big Valley FFA SAE: Ag Council of California SAE: Grain Production Placement CDE/LDE: Agricultural Sales CDE/LDE: Parliamentary Procedure LINDSEY SWALL Birthday: January 18th Home Chapter: Tulare FFA SAEs: Sheep Production, Agriscience-Plant Systems, and Agricultural Education CDE/LDEs: Creed Speaking, Job Interview, Citrus Judging, & Land Judging { Continued on page 7 } California FFANEWS • PAGE 6 • Fall 2019