California ELD Standards Grade 6 | Page 7

California English Language Development Standards Grade 6 EMC Pages That Cover the Standards SE/ATE: 126-127, 148, 191, 246, 284, 320, 366, 397, 463, 613, 692 ATE: 13, 79, 107, 123, 142, 165, 273, 364, 412, 693, 727, 769 PII.6.2.Ex a) A  pply growing understanding of language resources for referring the reader back or forward in text (e.g., how pronouns or synonyms refer back to nouns in text) to comprehending texts and writing texts with increasing cohesion. b) Apply growing understanding of how ideas, events, or reasons are linked throughout a text using a variety of connecting words or phrases (e.g., for example, in the first place, as a result, on the other hand) to comprehending texts and writing texts with increasing cohesion. SE/ATE: 126-127, 148, 191, 246, 284, 320, 366, 397, 463, 613, 692 ATE: 13, 79, 107, 123, 142, 165, 273, 364, 412, 693, 727, 7 c