Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network November 2016 | Page 14
Step 9:
1. On the centre line of the circle, place two tiny Black dots quite far apart. These will mark the centre of the
pupils of the eyes.
2. Still using the black, paint an almond-shaped eye outline with a thin, light line, just as a guide.
3. Using pure Americolor White, fill the almond shapes, avoiding the centre dot if you can. Leave the White to
dry while you attend to the rest of the face
4. Dip your brown brush in the Ivory and then into the vodka and dab off. With a light touch, place a shadow
under the nose and give the eyelids a light eyeshadow.
5. Using the red brush, paint a tiny cupid’s bow of a mouth in Americolor Tulip. You can use a little Warm Brown
to outline the lips if you wish.
6. Now, using the Warm Brown, paint the iris of the eye, making it paler towards the centre. Using the Black,
paint the pupils over the iris and then apply the eyeliner - thicker above and lighter below.
7. Paint the eyebrows in Warm Brown and eyelashes in Black.
8. Take one of the flat brushes and paint the hair using the Warm Brown colouring, watered down with vodka.
9. With your other flat brush (make sure it is very dry and soft), dust a light blush on the cheeks with the
Roklem Cerise.
Step 10:
Place the faces in the dehydrator again to fully dry the painted areas so they don’t remain sticky. When they are
fully dry, they will be shiny and the faces will peel easily off the paper again.
Decorate the apron if you didn’t do it in step four. I used a poinsettia design, with Dark and Light Red icing and
Dark Green centres.
Outline the Dark Red petals with a 1.5 tip and fill every second one, allowing it to dry briefly before adding the
alternate petals.
Over the top, outline smaller inner petals in Light Red piping icing and a 1.5 tip, filling and drying as before.
The centres are piped in Dark Green with a 1.5 tip.
Outline the edge of the apron with light red piping icing and the 1.5 tip.