Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network November 2016 | Page 13
Step 4:
Alternately, you could
drop Christmas sprinkles
or confetti, such as white
snowflakes, into the flood
icing using tweezers to
create a fabric design,
and using tiny white dots
Step 6:
Step 5:
While the skirts are setting, draw some circles on a
sheet of paper that are the same size as the faces
Repeat with the rest of
on the cookies. You can use your projector again or
the set, using the same
draw around the cookie cutters to help you decide
colours and design
what size to make the faces. They should be as close
so that all the nesting
as possible to a perfect circle. Lay some baking
dolls match. You can
paper over the drawn circles and using the piping
also decorate them in
consistency Flesh coloured icing, trace around the
contrasting colours for
circles and flood the centres. Try not to overfill the
more variety.
circles because they will be easier to paint later if they
Allow the cookie to dry
are not domed too high. Make excess circles at this
thoroughly, using a
dehydrator, a fan, or your point so that you have some insurance in case you
oven at the coolest setting make mistakes in your painting! Put the faces aside to
thoroughly dry in the dehydrator.
(less than 40ºC).
Step 7:
When the skirts are set, take the cookies out and using
White piping icing, pipe the top edge of the apron
area and flood the apron in White flood consistency
You can use another wet-on-wet design to decorate
the aprons straight away - candy stripes, or polka
dots are very Christmassy, or you can add large
holly leaves and berries, or even Christmas trees! It’s
Put the cookies in the dehydrator to dry the apron
Step 8:
Time to paint the faces! Don’t be scared of this part,
it’s really easy once you break it down, just make
sure your face discs are fully dry by lifting them off
the paper and flip them over to check. To hold them
in place while you paint, reattach them to the baking
paper using a spot of flood icing underneath them.