Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network May 2015 | Page 20

Step 14: For the heart in-between the laurel mix a small amount of super red with the bright white gel on the pallet until you have achieved the desired red colour. Using a size 3 brush, paint the heart outline first and fill in with long strokes. Allow to dry. For a brighter red, paint a second coat. Step 15: Take your two, now dry, heart “pops”, lay them on a clean flat surface and trace on your design. In this case, I painted the laurels, flowers and lines free hand, then once dry, added the letter. Step 16: Step 17: You now have painted hearts and your painted cake. Measure the distance require to place the hearts evenly in the cake. Gently, while holding the skewer, push the hearts into the cake until the heart points are resting on the cake.