Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network March 2020 Cake! Magazine | Page 57

WHAT HAS BEEN THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE IN BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS? The biggest challenge I think is that it takes over your life. Certainly the jobs I had previous to my own business were so much easier – you just work the hours and get paid and when you go home you can relax. My brain is always switched on to the business and what I’m working on or what I will do next, so it is certainly a full time job in every sense of the phrase! At the same time, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love building my brand and challenging myself constantly. YOU AND YOUR AMAZING CREATIONS APPEARED ON THE TV SHOW EXTREME CAKE MAKERS. DO YOU FIND YOURSELF BEING RECOGNISED BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC NOW? Extreme Cake Makers has been a fantastic platform for people to see my work, as well as social media and creating videos for that. I have been recognised a few times out and about it’s not too regular. It depends where I am I guess – if I want a chat I can hang around a baking aisle of a shop and that might increase my chances [laughs]. YOU PUT A LOT OF EFFORT IN TO YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE AND VIDEOS. HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU SPEND CREATING CAKES FOR CLIENTS VS CREATING ONLINE CONTENT? I absolutely love creating my online videos, and I’m lucky enough now that a lot of my client orders are the exact type of content that I love to create. Luckily for me I can create the social media content as well as fulfilling an order. I have orders every week but I try to make sure that around those orders I have time to create the pieces I would like to, even if they aren’t customer orders.