Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network March 2020 Cake! Magazine | Page 27
Step 6:
Roll a ball of fondant to the same
size as your styrofoam ball or LCM
ball. Flatten it slightly and brush
a very small amount of glue on
one side (just enough to make the
fondant tacky). Place your styrofoam
ball or LCM ball on the tacky side,
push it into the fondant and wrap
around the sides until the ball is
completely enclosed. Gently roll
the ball, smoothing out any seams.
Apply a little extra pressure to the
centre of the ball to create an oval
shape. Pick the best side for the
face, then using a bamboo skewer
make a hole in the base of the head.
Place the head on the body but keep
it loose. Do NOT glue it on - this way
your topper’s head can be turned to
face whichever way you like when
you position it on your cake.
Step 7:
Roll two small balls of white
fondant and flatten them slightly.
Apply a small amount of edible
glue to the flattened fondant
balls. Attach them to the bunny’s
face, flattening them more and
bringing them closer together
to create the bunny’s snout.
Colour 20g of fondant pink. Roll a
small ball of pink fondant for the
bunnys nose and place the rest
aside for later. Pinch one side to
create a V shape. Apply a small
amount of edible glue above the
snout and attach the bunny’s
nose, flattening it slightly and
gently shaping it to fit snug on
its snout. Use a toothpick to add
some whisker holes. Step 8:
Step 9: Step 10:
Roll white fondant 2-3mm thick,
enough to cut 2 ears using your
lily petal cutter. Roll your remaining
pink fondant 1-2mm thick, enough
to cut 2 ears using your lily petal
cutter. Trim one side off your pink
‘petal’ using the petal cutter then
attach it to the white fondant ear.
Trim the bottom of the ear flat. Apply enough edible glue to the
base of your bunny ear to make
it tacky. Too much glue and your
bunny ear will slide off its head.
Keep the ears straight or curve
them as you adhere them to the
Colour a pea-size piece of
fondant black. To create the
eyes, roll a small amount of
fondant into a thin sausage,
tapering it at both ends
(approximately 4cm long). Cut
the black fondant sausage in
half. I find this helps to keep the
eyes a similar length and shape.
Cut the tip of the tapered end of
one length and curve it slightly to
form one lash. With the remaining
length, taper each end by rolling
it gently between your fingers,
then slightly curve each end.
Apply a small amount of glue to
the bunny’s face and attach the
eye and then the small lash.