CAF Update-Asia-DIGITAL-Oct2022-min | 页面 4

20 projects in Asia
3,396,003 acres will be protected
810 threatened species will be protected
56 million vehicles driven for one year
Sumatran Tiger | Chris Humphries
Thailand waterfall | Jing Supanut

Together We Can Accomplish Great Things

Sumatran Elephant | Sumatran Tiger | Sumatran Orangutans
Creating Island Reserves Across Indonesia
Critically Endangered Sumatran Tigers , Bornean Orangutans and Sumatran Elephants are just a few of the many endemic and threatened species found throughout the island nation of Indonesia . Other endemic species found in this landscape include the Sunda Pangolin ( CR ), Agile Gibbon ( EN ), Siamang ( EN ), Malay Tapir ( EN ) and Borneo Bay Cat ( EN ).
Rainforest Trust , the Government of Indonesia and our partner , Fauna and Flora International , are protecting 760,657 acres rich in biodiversity across the country . The lowland and montane forests being safeguarded are 88 % intact and provide vital habitat to an astonishing 36 % of all species ever recorded in Indonesia . Five reserves will be established on the islands of Sumatra , Borneo , West Sulawesi and Papua to protect large , healthy forests for the astounding biodiversity found here . The expected completion date for this project is September 2023 .
Since 2017 , CAF has funded

20 projects in Asia

3,396,003 acres will be protected

810 threatened species will be protected

Safeguarding the CO2 equivalent of

56 million vehicles driven for one year

Rainforesttrust . org | 1.800.456.4930 P . O . Box 841 , Warrenton , VA 20188