Saving Habitat for the Grey-shanked Douc Langur in Vietnam
The Critically Endangered Greyshanked Douc Langur , with its distinctive heart-shaped face , is found only in the highlands of Vietnam . Over time , its habitat has been fragmented or destroyed by acacia and oil palm plantations and climate change . This striking primate is also a victim to poachers and the exotic pet trade . With an estimated population of just 1,000 individuals , the species is close to extinction .
Rainforest Trust is working with our local partner , GreenViet Biodiversity Conservation Centre , to establish a 148-acre community protected area that will secure habitat for nearly one-tenth of this primate ’ s global population .
Grey-shanked Douc Langur | Grass-lifeisgood
Banggai Crow | Agami Photo Agency
Peleng Tarsier | Jihad
Protecting Indonesia ’ s Intelligent and Critically Endangered Banggai Crow
Indonesia ’ s Peling Island is the last refuge on Earth for the endemic Critically Endangered Banggai Crow . This beautiful black bird was thought to be extinct until Indonesian biologists rediscovered a small population on Peling Island in 2007 . Today , only an estimated 50 to 250 of these remarkably intelligent birds remain here .
Banggai Crows are among the most intelligent animals on Earth . Crows and other members of the corvid family can make and use tools as well as remember faces of people they like or don ’ t like .
Rainforest Trust and our partner , Burung Indonesia , are creating community-based protected areas in two key areas for the Critically Endangered Banggai Crow , the Endangered Peleng Tarsier , and seven vulnerable species of birds . The proposed reserves will protect large stands of established trees that these branch-nesting birds need to survive .