CAF Update: Africa—July 2024 | Page 3

Cameroon | Protecting One of Africa ’ s Top Sites for Amphibian Conservation
Built from volcanoes — some of which are still active — the Cameroon Highlands is among Africa ’ s most biologically diverse regions . Within the sub-montane and montane rainforests that grow along these slopes , we find numerous endangered and critically endangered amphibians — many of which are found here and nowhere else — as well as seven species of chameleons , including five that are endemic to the region . protected
Mozambique | Increasing Protection for the Greater Gorongosa Landscape
Situated at the southern end of the Great African Rift Valley , the Gorongosa National Park is one of Africa ’ s greatest conservation success stories . Its tropical rainforests , montane forests , savanna , and grasslands provide essential habitat for numerous endangered species , including Grey Crowned Cranes , African Wild Dogs , and African Savanna Elephants . But encroachment from poaching and development is a constant threat . To better protect the park and safeguard more acres for more animals , Rainforest Trust partnered with the Gorongosa Restoration Project to support the establishment of the 158,888.8-acre Cheringoma Community Conservation Area , which was formally designated in April 2023 .
This new protected area borders the northeastern boundary of the Gorongosa National Park , and is the first step in a multi-project effort to create a migratory corridor between Gorongosa National Park and the Marromeu Reserve along the coast . Already , we and Gorongosa Restoration Project have begun work on a second project to safeguard approximately a quarter million additional acres in the region . CAF funds have provided essential support for both projects , which means you and your fellow CAF donors have helped make both these projects possible .
( Top ) Grey Crowned Crane | Wang LiQiang ; ( Bottom ) African Wild Dog
With your help , we and our partner , Cameroon Wildlife Conservation Society , established the 11,604-acre Mount Manengouba Herpetoornithological Sanctuary in February 2023 . This new protected area safeguards essential habitat for numerous species within this amphibian hotspot , including the endemic and Critically Endangered Manengouba Long-fingered Frog , Nsoung Long-fingered Frog , and Redbelly Egg Frog — all of which are believed to exist in only a few places on Mount Manengouba and nowhere else in the world . Also protected are 16 additional species of endangered amphibians and numerous species of endangered birds and mammals .
Manengouba Long-fingered Frog | © CAMHERP-CBF