CAF Update: Africa—July 2024 | Page 2

Together , We Accomplish Great Things

Zanzibar Red Colobus | Steffen Foerster
With your help , the Conservation Action Fund has supported 68 projects in Africa .
We have already safeguarded 11,360,844 acres , and another estimated 21.7 million acres are in the process of being protected .
When fully protected , these acres will safeguard the CO 2 equivalent of 630 million vehicles driven for one year .
Overall , these projects are protecting 1,009 threatened and endangered species in Africa .
This work is possible only because of our past , present , and future CAF donors . Thank you for being a part of this essential work .
Zanzibar Forest Landscape | courtesy of WCS Tanzania
Tanzania | Ensuring a Future for the Zanzibar Red Colobus
The Zanzibar archipelago dates back to the end of the Pleistocene , when melting glaciers and rising seas separated the islands from the rest of Tanzania and the African continent . Endemic species — those found here and nowhere else — are plentiful . Among those is the Zanzibar Red Colobus , an endangered primate with a global population of fewer than 6,000 . Every single one of those individuals lives on Ungula , the largest of Zanzibar ’ s islands . But rampant deforestation is quickly destroying their habitat , leaving them with a smaller range and greater vulnerability every year .
With support from Conservation Action Fund donors such as yourself , we and our partner , Wildlife Conservation Society-Tanzania , created the 1,714.9- acre Nongwe-Kidikotundu-Vundwe Forest Reserve , which was officially designated on November 10 , 2023 . This new protected area safeguards the habitat for 11 % of the world ’ s population of Endangered Zanzibar Red Colobus , and also protects vital nesting beaches for the Critically Endangered Hawksbill Turtle .