CAC March Newsletter 2021 | Page 5

Head Golf Professional
The Artistry of Golf
The golf swing has two major components , a technical component , and an artistic component . Many golfers spend a lot of time practicing the technical component of the golf swing , but not enough time is typically spent on the artistic component . The technical component of the golf swing consists of five major components ; grip , set-up , back swing , down swing , and finish . The artistic component consists of four major components ; tempo , rhythm , timing , and visualization .
So , which one is more important ? The art is actually substantially more important than the technique . Think of it as you would one mastering the alphabet . Doing only this will never make a person a great writer . Yes , you must master the technique , but without the artistry of the game , you will most likely not enjoy it .
A lot of people refer to the artistry of the game as “ the mental game ”. Here are some things you can try in order to improve the artistry in your game .
1 , Listening to your favorite music before the round begins will help ease your mind . 2 , Use only one ball to play on the golf course . There is no re-do in golf . 3 , Remember that the most important shot is your next shot . Learn to move-on from a bad shot . 4 , Be competitive with your group , or even just with yourself . 5 , Close your eyes and visualize your shots every time you hit the ball . 6 , Learn to use different clubs for the same distance . 7 , Focus on your landing zones and not only the pin when you are chipping and pitching . 8 , Come up with a pre-shot routine , and use it on every shot . 9 , Do not engage in technical swing conversations with your partners while you are playing a round .
Thank you very much for reading , and I hope this will help you further enjoy your golf game . If you have any further questions regarding this article , please do not hesitate to reach out to me for a quick golf tip .
With much respect ,

James Kim

Head Golf Professional