You may be tempted to post across multiple social media platforms , but not only is that unnecessary , it ’ s a quick way to burn out or risk seeing your growth stifled if you fail to keep up . Users flock to each respective platform for a specific style of content , and algorithms favor accounts that follow unique trends and use in-app features .
The content you develop should feel natural and authentic to your brand , your audience and the platform . When choosing which platforms are best for you to use , consider the following questions :
• Who is your target audience , and where are they spending time online ?
• What type of content does your target audience regularly consume and engage with ?
• Which platforms are you most familiar with ?
• What type of content ( e . g ., shortform video , graphic posts ) do you feel comfortable creating ?
The most important consideration when choosing a platform is where your audience is actually spending time . Consider who you ’ re trying to reach : Retirees who love to cruise , young families headed to theme parks and millennial travelers with remote jobs all use social media very differently . Keep demographics like the ages and locations of your prospective clients in mind , and don ’ t be afraid to ask them what platforms they use .
In general , older travelers tend to be more comfortable on long-established social media networks , such as Facebook , whereas younger generations quickly adapt to the newest platforms and technologies .
That said , don ’ t rule out the ability to reach your target demo on a specific platform . A little experimentation — and staying openminded about who your audience is — can also go a long way .
Alle Pierce , an advisor with Scorby Travel
Alle Pierce
& Cruise and founder of Gals Abroad Getaways , which offers bespoke group trips for women , initially dismissed the value of having a TikTok account . She was convinced that her target clientele , affluent travelers in their 30s to 60s , wouldn ’ t be using the app enough to make it worth her time . She then had three different travelers join a group trip she organized to Italy , each mentioning that they booked it after learning about it on TikTok . After this experience , she quickly pivoted to prioritize posting on her TikTok .
“ The TikTok algorithm is fantastic for new discoveries and a wider reach ,” Pierce said . “ If I see that my audience growth on a given platform is stagnant , I experiment sharing the content on TikTok to see if it reaches a wider audience .”
Take this example , too : Breckner chose to launch her social media strategy on Instagram because it was the one she used most in her personal life ; transitioning to sharing professional content there “ seemed less overwhelming and risky ,” she said . She recommended the following tactics given the early success she ’ s seen in growing her account :
• Follow other travel advisors and influencers to gain inspiration for the types of content that perform well .
• Templatize your social media posts to make content development more efficient .
• Take the time to learn , through workshops and webinars .
• Maintain an editorial calendar . For Breckner , that takes the form of a working list of content ideas in her Notes app , from hotels she wants to spotlight to different trends of Reels to customize .
• Experiment with boosting posts to expand reach . Identify high-performing , organic posts and allocate a small paid budget to promote your content to more people .
• Study your own content ’ s performance to understand which formats and styles of content result in more views , follows and direct messages .
• Don ’ t branch out to other platforms until you ’ ve mastered the one you ’ re currently using .