When you ’ re working with personal friends or neighbors , the client already has some frame of reference or some personal history with you . But online , you ’ re often preaching to an audience of strangers . Even so , it all comes back to educating potential clients and sharing information to show value .
Mussey explained that it ’ s a long game . “ Know that you ’ re truly getting into it not for quick sale , not for the quick thing ,” he said , but to cultivate a group of followers who value the information you share . Especially online , he said , “ where you can share education information and show value that will then lead to people seeing you as a subject-matter expert and reaching out to you when they ’ re ready .”
As for social media , Mussey recommended planning content in advance , knowing when you ’ re going to post it and being consistent . Always make sure your posts include a call to action , such as a website link or a phone number .
Whether you choose to focus on Instagram , TikTok , X ( formerly known as Twitter ), Threads , Facebook , LinkedIn or all of the above , use the platforms to remind people you ’ re still there as a trusted resource .
Choosing to use multiple platforms doesn ’ t necessarily mean needing to create different types of content . You can leverage the same messaging for each platform — just adapt it for each social media outlet . That might mean creating a video for TikTok and a series of text posts for Threads , but keeping the message consistent , nonetheless .
Some people balk at the idea of social media because they don ’ t want to share anything about their personal lives . Don ’ t worry , Mussey explained , using social media effectively for your business doesn ’ t have to mean sharing personal details .
One way to engage clients is to use video , which is key in today ’ s social media landscape . These online videos can help clients understand that an agent is authentic and real .
“ If I say I ’ m a travel professional , not only am I selling travel , am I out there traveling ? And can I showcase that to my clients ?” he asked .
While some people already feel comfortable on camera or are actively learning how to be more present on screen , that ’ s certainly not a requirement . Instead , Mussey suggested that a camera-shy agent simply take videos of hotels and attractions while narrating behind the scenes .
“ It ’ s deciding to live the ‘ perfershional ’ life — personal and professional ,” he said , referencing a conference speech by HR pro Jennifer McClure .
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