C13_2023_digital | Page 76

Client Age Group

6 %
Baby Boomers ( 1946-1964 )
32 %
8 %
Generation X ( 1965-1980 )
Generation Y / Millennials ( 1981-2000 )
Mature / Silent ( 1927-1945 )
Generation Z / Zoomers ( 2001 or Later )
24 %
30 %
GORODENKOFF / SHUTTERSTOCK . COM a slight shift in device preferences among advisors this year . While many of the respondents still prefer to work on a Personal Computer , this option dropped from 40 % to 35 %. Laptop preference grew from 52 % to 56 %, and Tablet preference also went up from 3 % to 5 %.
CLIENT DEMOGRAPHICS In addition to getting to know you , the advisor , better , we also are interested in learning who your clients are . According to the survey results , the most popular age group advisors are currently working with are Generation X ( 32 %) and Baby Boomers ( 30 %), followed by Generation Y / Millennials ( 24 %), Mature / Silent ( 8 %) and Generation Z / Zoomers ( 6 %).
Client communication preferences matched advisors in that they prefer to communicate first by email , followed by phone and text . These clients primarily favor Value ( 37 %) and Budget ( 31 %) travel with Luxury ( 23 %) following closely behind .
VALUE OF VAX We ’ re always interested to see what advisors value most on VAX and what areas might need improvements . According to the survey results , 81 % of respondents use VAX for both researching and booking travel .
When it comes to the areas valued most on VAX , Destination Information ( 61 %) and Travel Resources ( 57 %) came in at the top , followed by Education ( 55 %) and Offers & Incentives ( 49 %). Specialty Travel , Brand Showcases , The Compass and the Travel Inspo Tool Kit were also high on the list .
Some advisors said they research on VAX but don ’ t book , stating it ’ s too complicated to use . To help with this , we have the “ VAX
Training & Education ” page ( located under the “ Education ” tab ) which offers tutorials for almost any scenario on VAX .
Others said they book on VAX but don ’ t spend time researching , saying they don ’ t know how to navigate or there isn ’ t enough hotel information . We ’ d encourage advisors to continue learning to navigate and explore all the resources VAX has to offer , and a Brand Showcase is a great place to find hotel information . These are listed under the “ Products & Brands ” tab on the main navigation .
VAX continues to take this feedback and implement it wherever possible to ensure the platform remains a useful resource for advisors .
76 / THE COMPASS / WINTER 2023 vaxvacationaccess . com / thecompass