I know a travel advisor who is an avid golfer , so passionate about the sport that he began planning his own personal golf trips to Ireland .
I know a travel advisor who is an avid golfer , so passionate about the sport that he began planning his own personal golf trips to Ireland .
He visited the destination several times , learned which hotels and transfer companies cater to golfers , figured out the best courses to play and how to obtain tee times , built relationships with hotel general managers and golf pros and became a specialist in booking group golf trips to Ireland .
Another advisor I know specializes in planning group family trips to China . Sometimes trips to this destination are complicated , and he helps his clients by creating an itinerary that wraps together the cultural , culinary and social experiences customized to the group . He has grown to become a China group travel destination expert that compliments his base advisor business .
Group trips usually always come with several components , and it ’ s important for advisors to develop an expertise in that segment . It ’ s a broad enough space for everyone to have their niche . When destination weddings started becoming popular , many advisors took the time to learn about this segment and become a go-to resource for their clients . This can also be the case for so many other microsegments within group travel .
What is something you ’ re passionate about ? Maybe you enjoy visiting all the baseball stadiums around the U . S . Turn this into your specialty by booking groups to these areas . Research the best times to go , which hotels to stay at and nearby attractions to create a well-rounded vacation experience . Or maybe fishing is one of your interests . Find areas where you know guides and lodges that will create memorable experiences . Are you a gardener ? Develop itineraries
John Ische PRESIDENT , TRISEPT SOLUTIONS John ’ s industry tenure spans more than three decades .
that allow groups of gardeners to travel globally to festivals and arboretums .
Whether it ’ s golfing , destination weddings , a specific destination or something else — the whole point is that you can turn your passion into a specialty , and over time it will grow in the group travel space allowing you to monetize it . Take advantage of using social media to showcase your expertise . Repetitive posting of photos and videos from your travels will display your passion and set you apart from others .
Group travel has always been popular , and it will remain popular because people love traveling with their friends and family . It ’ s an area of travel where assistance is usually always needed , and groups are usually willing to pay a fee to have someone else take care of the planning . This means it ’ s important for advisors to get involved and be an expert .
Hopefully the articles in this issue of The Compass magazine will inspire you and your passion to make your mark in the group travel segment .