C For Children And R for Rights: Creative Illustrated Stories C For Children And R for Rights: Creative Illustra | Page 60

thought they were disappointed and mad at him, but his parents were sympathetic and supportive. They apologized for not being the parents he wanted them to be and Peter apologized for running away without telling them. They forgave each other. Eventually everything turned out to be just fine. Everything went normally and then Peter’s father told him something that he will never forget. When Dimitar was young he had the same dream as Peter...to be a builder...but Dimitar’s parents didn’t allow that. They had almost the same experience back then. Peter was shocked to hear that and happy at the same time. Dimitar also told his son that he, after all, has to follow his dreams. The news encouraged and motivated him.Maybe this was the happiest day in his entire life.His hopes and dreams for the future were brighter than ever. Now Peter had the support from his parents so he started getting ready for what was coming next… (Article 12) Authors: Kalina,Vanesa,Nikola St,Bojidar,KristianTr (Ivan Vazov Language School, Plovdiv, Bulgaria) Illustrations: FEDAC Manresa Spain