BYM ONLINE DESK October 2016 | Page 5

Unassuming Heroes 2


An Upright Person Who Built Heritage Mr . E . L Mathansingh
Heroes are easy to admire than to define . Heroes simply do the right thing at the right time . The one great quality they share is a tendency to think about others before they think of themselves . Boaz was a hero . The life of Boaz illuminates the relationship between one ' s actions and the providence of God . As an unassuming character , he adds colour and charm . The book of Ruth addresses contemporary issues like female selfsufficiency and highlights inter-cultural marriage . It also champions the cause of oppressed and side-lined people of the society . Boaz makes a difference in this story by his value-based upright life .
GOD ' S CHOICE : Boaz means ' In Him is Strength .' He is a major figure in the book of Ruth and his name is found first in 2:1 and 24 times in the four chapters of the book . He was a wealthy and powerful landlord in Bethlehem . He was also a close relative of Elimelech . God moved in his life at the right time and directed him to the right place in the right ways ( Ruth 1:22-25 ). As a chosen man , he followed God with integrity .
LOYAL MASTER : Boaz was a prosperous and generous employer ( 2:4 ). He was considered as a righteous and respectable person in the Jewish society . He had a cordial relationship with his fellowmen . Notice how he greeted the labourers - “ May the Lord be with you .” Boaz was a noble master . He personally supervised the threshing of the grain in his barn in order to prevent any immorality or theft which were prevalent during his times . Even though Boaz was rich , he was humble enough to respect a converted Gentile widow who came to his field . He was wise enough to admire Ruth ' s courage , devotion , kindness and fidelity to her mother-in-law ( Ruth 2:11 ). He was a believer and was bestowed with spiritual maturity to speak about the Sovereign God to the young woman ( 2:4,12 ). His words to his employees , relatives and others were colored with kindness . Loyalty and integrity are beautifully woven in his lifestyle .
KINSMAN REDEEMER - The Hebrew word “ hesed ” which is used for ' loyal love ', appears multiple times throughout the narration . It speaks of grace , kindness , faithfulness , commitment and devotion . It also describes God ' s loyalty and faithfulness to Israel ( Due 7:9 ). Boaz like Ruth demonstrated loyal love ( 2:1 ) and he reflected a type of Christ . His observance of the law , his kindness to act as a Kinsman redeemer to Ruth and Naomi , his adherence to proper procedure and his willingness to redeem Elimelech ' s land and acquire Ruth as his wife validate this description . Boaz exceeded the demands of the law and displayed an extraordinary love and kindness ( 2:14,15,16 ).
HERITAGE BUILDER - Boaz and Ruth did not go after blessing but God blessed them with unexpected provisions . In His Sovereign Will their son Obed , became the father of Jesse and the grandfather of King David in whose line the promised Messiah came to the world . We find the names of Boaz and Ruth in the genealogy of Jesus Christ . It is admirable to learn that the left frontal column of King Solomon ' s temple was named as Boaz ( I King 7:21 ). Decision and determination influence destiny . Faithful and committed followers of God build lasting heritage .
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