Christ upon every believer and the Church at large is
emphasized in all the Epistles of Apostle Paul. He
invariably calls the Son of God as the LORD JESUS
CHRIST. Every believer must make an intelligent
consecration of his life and all that belongs to him
unto the Lord. The consecrated Christian will not live
as he pleases. Every step in his life will be punctuated
with the question, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to
do?” (Acts 9:6). He realizes that he is a STEWARD
unto God for the time, talent and treasure entrusted to
God's standard for a New Testament Christian
is not 'tithe' but 'total!' Jesus demands from His
disciples their supreme love, supreme sacrifice and
supreme surrender (Lk 14:26,27,33). The first great
commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ demanding
our ALL should find a prominent place in our
preaching: “Love the LORD thy God with ALL thy
heart, and with ALL thy soul, and with ALL thy mind,
and with ALL thy strength; this is the first
commandment” (Mk 12:30). Every Christian must
be taught and led into the “Not-I-but-Christ”
5. Jesus Christ is the Life Pattern!
“Follow Me” is the call of the Lord Jesus to His
every disciple. Christ is our example and we are
called to follow His steps (1 Pet 2:21). The Gospels
record the earthly walk of the Lord Jesus Christ. We
should read them carefully and shape our lives
according to His.
Everyone who has accepted Christ must be
taught to follow Him in the waters of BAPTISM, in
the school of PRAYER, in the ministry of LOVE and
COMPASSION, in the pathway of SUFFERING
and SACRIFICE, in the life of OBEDIENCE,
HUMILITY and HOLINESS. God's design for His
every child is that he should grow unto a perfect man,
“unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of
Christ” (Eph 4:13). The Full Gospel offers “Like
Jesus” as the theme for the life of every Christian.
6. Christ is the Soon-coming Bridegroom,
King & Judge!
The Gospel story is incomplete if it tells only
the birth, life, death, burial, resurrection and
ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ but leaves out the
promise of the Second Coming. The Second Coming
of Christ is our most blessed Hope. The early Church
was watchful and vigilant with its every-momentexpectation of the glorious return of the Lord. The
Rapture of the Church when the Lord Jesus comes
FOR His saints will be most glorious, and the coming
of the Lord Jesus WITH His saints as a King and
Judge will be most alarming. The Second Coming of
Christ is a warning message to the unbelievers but a
comforting one to the ever-ready-believers.
The Lord Jesus who promised, “Surely I come
quickly,” expects everyone of us to OCCUPY TILL
HE COMES - occupy in the greatest labour for
worldwide Revival and in the most important job of
worldwide Evangelisation. The heavenly
Bridegroom is going to marry us, His Church. Dear
Christian friend, forget not this greatest benefit of
“Amen! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”
(Rev 22:20)
(Taken from the book “ Youth Revival Letters” by
Mr. R.Stanley)
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