Mr . E . L . Ephraim
October 5th is the World Teachers ' Day . Socrates , Aristotle , Plato , Einstein , Newton , Radhakrishnan , Ramanujam are some of the unforgettable popular teachers . Even our former president late Dr . Abdul Kalam has remarked that the reason for his success was his teachers . The teacher who is lauded by the people of the whole world as the ' Good Teacher ' is our Lord Jesus Christ ! Here are some of His exceptional teaching methods .
To state a principle and then to give illustration is one method ( Ruleg ). Instead , to give the illustration first and explain the principle is another method ( Egrule ). Learned people say that the second method is the better one .
Note the words of our Lord :
“ Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature ? So why do you worry about clothing ? Consider the lilies of the field , how they grow : they neither toil nor spin . And yet 1 say that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these ( Mat 6:26-29 ). Jesus beautifully brought out an eternal truth from this illustration . As God ' s children we need not worry about everyday needs . God takes care of His children . How sweet and excellent are His approaches !
Nature An old proverb says that nature is the best
teacher . The way our Lord presented many truths through the eyes of Nature astonishes us . They are thought - provoking and inspiring . Note for example how He differentiated different people in the parable of the sower ( Mat 13:3-8 ). When questioned about fasting , Jesus compared His disciples as the friends of the bridegroom ( Lk 5:35 ). The way he explained the principles of the Kingdom of God comparing it to the elements of nature made an everlasting impact on the minds of His disciples .
Though people who complete their postgraduation are called ' Masters .' yet they will not be capable enough to answer all questions pertaining to their subject . They need to rely on references and other researches . But Jesus taught with all authority . He needed no reference-points . He needed no quotations . He is the author of life . Hence His teachings were surprising . “ They were astonished at His teaching for His word was with authority ” ( Lk 4:32 ).
In the world that glorified traditions , the Lord boldly stressed the need for change and transformation ! Note how often He repeated the phrase , “ But I say to you ...” in the Sermon on the Mount ( Mat 5:22,28,32,34,39,44 ). This is what a revolutionary does . He redefined people ' s perception about anger , adultery , divorce , swearing , revenge and so on . He wonderfully brought out the interpretation of the Old Testament law without nullifying it . This earned Him the hatred of the religious figures of His day . But He was unflinching .
Everyone insists on a balanced diet . Even for our souls , we need wholesome truths . And Jesus taught on a wide range of subjects . He not only taught on how to relate to our fellow-beings but also to the Governmental authorities ( Mat 17:27 ). The Sermon on the Mount , that our Father of the Nation , Gandhiji read and loved , touched all the aspects of human life - individual , family and social ( Mat 5,6,7 , chapters ). What a surprise that these golden sayings are engraved on the stone monuments of the Gandhi Memorial Building at Guindy , Chennai !
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