BYM ONLINE DESK November 2019 Blessing Emagazine | Page 3

When we have a pleasant climate, we will be able to accept and respect our family members. The life of Haanah and Elkanah (I Sam 1:8) emulates a family life that was pleasant like spring. Though situations may be adverse, it is up to us to make it stormy or breezy in our families. When Hannah was devastated, Elkanah strengthened her with his loving words and made sure that his family's milieu was not affected. Whatever may be the prevailing climate at our home, let us prayerfully look to the Lord and work out the strategies He teaches us. Surely, the Lord will change the climate. 2. Building Family Together It is the duty of both the husband and the wife to build their homes (family) together watchfully. In Acts 10, we meet Cornelius who left no stone unturned to build his family. Families are not established over a wave of the wand. Rather it involves diligence. We spend so much of time and energy to build a house of bricks. How much more should we spend, in fact, invest, to build a home on right values. Isn't this an area in which we stumble many times? Love alone is the force that binds us together. Each member of the family should meditate and become a living version of 1 Corinthians 13. Convert every situation as an opportunity to express your love to your family members. Gift them on their special days; go for a family vacation. Be constantly on vigil to build your family. Love is the foundation on which family relationships are built. A youth who has a high regard for his parents once remarked with glee “Our family is built on a set of golden rules”. Family should be the first institution to teach good values and choices. Your children will not excel just because you have admitted them in one of the best schools in town. It is the parents' responsibility to inculcate values like honesty, cleanliness, leading a simple November 2019 | | Page 3 life style, etc., in them. This is what the wise King Solomon says in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it”. We should never have a negative influence on our kids. Adopting shortcuts to acquire what we need, giving and taking bribes and the like are to be shunned. “We all falter in many ways” writes the Apostle James (Jam 3:2). Let us learn to trust our spouse and our children. Let our lives radiate our trustworthiness. Doubts are disastrous. Learn to accept one another as they are. Get rid of anger, malice and bitterness. Above all, forgive one another. Let us follow our Lord Jesus Christ who is the champion in forgiving. Forgiveness is a speciality in a family that is watchful. 3. Upbringing the Kids in the fear of the Lord “By faith Noah, when worried about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith, he condemned the world and became few of the righteousness that comes by faith” (Heb 11:7). This verse clearly portrays the efforts taken by Noah to lead his family to salvation. Injustice, impurity, indulgence, were rampant during his days. However, he protected his sons from all such evil. Christians families should not be corrupted by the world around them. There is a great difference between Noah and Lot in the way they raised their kids. When we analyse what happened during the later days, the difference can be clearly noticed. When we invest so much for our children's education and future, we should never forget to teach them what is written in Deut 6:6-12, “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets