BYM ONLINE DESK November 2019 Blessing Emagazine | Page 11

anything to rescue them? I sing, “Care for the dying,” but do I care for them? And when I join in the words, “Weep o'er the erring one,” are my eyes dry or do I actually weep over the perishing? Have I any heart- interest in the salvation of lost men and women? church must become my home. I am saved to serve, and unless I am doing something for the Lord Jesus I am not true to the vision He has given me. I may not have many talents, but I can do something. I can visit the sick, I can distribute gospel tracts, I can testify, I can do something. If not, there is something seriously the matter, and I should start at once to discover the cause and remedy it. I must confess Christ publicly. I must make Him known. He has commanded me to bear witness. Let me again, therefore, testify. Surely, I can distribute gospel tracts. Surely, I can write soul-winning letters to my friends. At least I can speak to those with whom I work. If I am God's representative, I must be true. There are those who wait to be asked. They attend the church, enjoy the services, but never think of taking part themselves. They have an idea that the pastor will seek them out if he needs them and tell them what to do. It seems to me, however, that if they are really saved they will find something themselves. Paul's first cry was, “What shall I do, Lord?” (Acts 22:10). And that ought to be the cry of every newborn soul. Love is service, and those who really love the Lord Jesus will want to serve Him. They will never be satisfied to be drones. 6. Am I giving liberally as God prospers me? “Give, and it shall be given unto you...” (Luke 6:38). As we give God gives, for He will be no man's debtor. You cannot beat God giving. One tenth at least should be set aside for God's work, and then as much more as He asks. For if you are faithful with Him He will be faithful to you. Seldom will you find one who has faithfully given to God's work in a systematic way through the years of prosperity who is in want. “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered” (Prov 11:25). But when you do give, be sure you are giving to a definite, soul-winning work. For God will hold you responsible to find out how your gifts are being used. And give cheerfully, for “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7). Give systematically, month by month, or week by week. Keep books with God. But however you give, give, for “How shall they preach except they be sent?...” (Rom 10:15). If the Gospel is to be given to the world someone must pay the bill. It is like water. The water is free, but you have to pay for the piping. And so with salvation. It costs to send it on its way, and we must speed it to the uttermost part of the earth. Hence, in the language of the Apostle Paul, giving becomes a Christian grace, and if we are New Testament Christians, we will give and give liberally. 7. Am I doing something definite for the Lord Jesus Christ? If I am to be used of God I must find a place and a people where I can give my testimony and not feel that I am condemned by those around me. A soul-winning November 2019 | | Page 11 Instead of waiting for their pastor or someone to tell them what to do, they will go direct to God and get their instructions from Him. It may be He will want them to teach a Sunday school class. If so, they will approach the superintendent and offer their services. If they have a voice they will be eager to sing in the choir, or if there is an orchestra and they can play an instrument, they will play. Some may be called to usher, others to serve in the young people's organizations, or as intercessors. It may be that the foreign field is calling, and that there is an urge to train and prepare for whole-time service. One thing is certain: they will never be at rest if they have been truly born again until they are doing something for the Lord Jesus Christ. And so I ask again, am I working for Christ? Am I active? Is my time devoted to God? Or am I still on the reserve list waiting for a call? There are two kinds of volunteers, remember, the active and the inactive. The inactive volunteer says, “Lord, here am I.” The active volunteer says, “Send me.” Which am I? Am I doing something for the Lord Jesus Christ? These, then, are the questions that must be faced if we are to receive His approbation. “Study to show thyself approved unto God,” is His Word, “a worker who has no need to be ashamed...” (2 Tim 2:15). For if we would receive a full reward; if we would hear Him say, “...Well done, thou good and faithful servant...”(Matt 25:21), we must examine ourselves and see to it that we measure up to His requirements.