BYM ONLINE DESK November 2019 Blessing Emagazine | Page 10

willed He cannot use us. “To obey is better than sacrifice...” (1 Sam 15:22). Rebellion in the camp is fatal to the cause. Loyalty He must have. Blunders are permissible; mistakes will be overlooked, but disloyalty never! If we are to be used of God we must be obedient. We must be prepared to go where God wants us to go. It must be His way instead of our own, His choice rather than ours. And, blessed be God, when we really yield to Him, His plan becomes ours, and we delight to do His will. Let us not think of Him as a hard taskmaster; One who insists on us doing things we do not want to do. Not at all. He is our Father. He loves to lead us to the still waters. Within our hearts He puts the very desires that are pleasing to Him. All He asks is that we yield, for we are His, body, soul and spirit. Hence, there can be no fellowship apart from obedience. know Him I will want to study it. And the more I read it the more interesting it will become. I will find that I cannot do without it. It will be my meat and my drink for the day's work. Again and again I turned to it in the early days of my Christian life. When I was first converted I read it daily. But am I still poring over its pages? Is it just as new to me now as it was the first time I read it? Do I revel in the experiences of the apostles and prophets? Am I still finding comfort from the Psalms of David? Is the Word of God a living Book to me, and am I feeding on it daily? Perhaps I am weak. God compares His Word to milk and meat. Hence, if I am to be strong I must turn to it constantly. May He enable me, therefore, to become a diligent student of His Word. 3. Am I spending time each day in prayer? No one can be victorious apart from prayer. No one can make a success of the Christian life unless he prays. If you have neglected prayer you are weak. It is those who wait upon the Lord who renew their strength. Unless you have been living, therefore, in an atmosphere of prayer you are open to the attacks of the enemy. Jesus prayed. He spent whole nights in prayer. Paul prayed. The early church prayed. All those who have been used of God have been men and women of prayer. So, let me ask myself the question, do I pray? Do I keep tryst with God? Have I an appointment with Him day by day and am I careful to keep it? Does God know me as a man of prayer? Or have I failed Him? If so, may He enable me to renew my covenant and begin again to meet Him morning by morning, lest He come and find me sleeping. 4. Am I a diligent student of God's Word? To neglect the Word of God is to cut myself off from hearing His voice, for God speaks through His Word. Hence, if I am not giving time to Bible Study I am without guidance. Many a man has gone astray simply because he has ignored the Word of God. Nothing can take its place. It is God's Word to man, and if I really November 2019 | | Page 10 5. Am I confessing Christ publicly? During the early years of my Christian experience I was on fire for souls. I enjoyed getting out on the street corner with a company of God's people and giving my testimony. I reveled in the opportunity of working in rescue missions and pointing souls to Christ. I was burdened about the condition of the unsaved. In the glow of my first love for Christ I eagerly sought to tell others what He had done for me. I went home to my friends even as the demoniac of old. But what about today? Have I lost my first love? Have I become cold and indifferent? Does the fire of God no longer burn in my heart? Can I attend church and go through religious performances without any burden concerning the lost? If so, why? What has happened? I sing, “Rescue the perishing,” but do I do