Let not the events that happen around us , discourage us . Persecution of Christians has become an order of the day . Jesus said , “ do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul ” ( Mt 10:28 ). Therefore , we who stand at the zero hour , let us be prepared to meet Jesus with fear , trembling and holiness .
5 . Uncompromising Sacrifice
Peter did not hesitate to sacrifice the comforts he had in the boat .
What have we sacrificed for Jesus ? A communist challenged the Christians saying , “ You Christians are lazy . In a day , for 8 hours I labour for my party ; next 8 hours I earn for my party and the remaining 8 hours I dream about my party .”
Our Lord Jesus sacrificed His heavenly riches for us . He led a sacrificial life on the earth ; all the way from the manger to Golgotha .
A woman standing at the bank of river Ganges had a puny infant in her arms while she flung her healthy child into the river to appease her god . She proudly exclaimed , “ We give our best to our god !”
What have we given up for the Lord who gave His very life for us ?
Sacrifice is the crux of Christian life . The object of sacrifice varies from person to person . God knows where our heart is . For Paul , it was his education , position and status . For Abraham , it was his only dearly beloved son . What is that which we hold dearly ?
the poor instead of purchasing a dress . “ He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord ” ( Prov 19:17 ).
We can sacrifice our time and go as a team for village ministry , tract distribution , hospital visit or children ' s ministry at least once in a week .
We can seek employment in the needy places of India so that we can be a Tent-maker in Lord ' s ministry . Leaving our native place is also a sacrifice . If God has called us for full-time ministry , let us learn Hindi and carry the gospel to wherever He leads .
Jesus said , “ If anyone desires to come after me , let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me ” ( Lk 9:23 ).
There may be oppositions and problems may arise . Even our very life may be in danger . But let us not loose heart . Let us commit our lives and attempt great things for God .
C . T . Studd told , “ Only one life , it will soon be past , only what is done for Christ will last .”
Peter who walked with Jesus , got onto the boat with Jesus . When we walk with Jesus in this world , He will lovingly take us with Him to heaven .
What a joy it will be when He crowns us ! Dare to walk on water !
What can we sacrifice for God ? If we get up at 6 O ' clock every morning , let us sacrifice our sleep for one hour , get up at 5 O ' clock and pray to God .
The pocket money saved by us can be given to
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