BYM ONLINE DESK February 2017 | Page 5

Many parents act like spies . And many others compare their children with other children . In doing so they increase the burden on their children . Parents should try to understand the situation of the children and spend quality time with them . Only then relationships in a family will prosper . Jesus has warned that a house divided in itself will not stand .
For Servants
Col 3:22 - “ Bond servants , obey in everything those who are your earthly masters , not by way of eye-service , as people-pleasers , but with sincerity of heart , fearing the Lord .”
Wherever you are working and whatever business you do , you should obey the earthly masters whom God has kept above you . You have to respect them and serve with sincerity . If you had been unfaithful to your master by stealing , then you may have to repay it back . Sometimes , people take things from the office and bring them home . We need to replace them . This is what Zacchaeus did . He said that he would repay four fold to people he had wronged . This is reconciliation .
For Masters
Col 4:1 - “ Masters , treat your bond servants justly and fairly , knowing that you also have a Master in heaven .”
In a similar manner masters or owners have to
behave justly and fairly knowing that they have a Great Master in Heaven . Are we treating our servants like beggars ? Or are we treating them with respect ?
5 ) Reconciliation Qualifies Us For Ministry
When our relationships are right with one another , our testimony to the world would be strong . On the other hand , if we do not have right relationship with one another , we would bring dishonor to the Lord ' s Name . Note what Jesus said ,
John 13:35 - “ By this all people will know that you are my disciples , if you have love for one another .”
We read about love in first Corinthians 13th chapter elaborately . When we love one another with this kind of love , the world will know that we are disciples of Jesus Christ . Once God sent a revival to a particular place . Because of this revival , many came to the Lord . When the unbelievers saw the transformed lives of the believers - the way they took care of the elderly , the way they behaved and talked , the unbelievers themselves came to the knowledge of the Lord in large numbers . The loving fellowship drew the people to Christ like a magnet .
Apostle Paul writes about the qualifications for Christian ministers in 1 Timothy 3:3 and Titus 1:7 . He gives an elaborate list in which the relationship with people and good testimony play a vital part . Many of our ministers do not show these kinds of fruits . We get angry easily and pick up a fight suddenly . All these fleshly manifestations will disqualify us from the ministry . But on the other hand , when we reconcile with people whom we have hurt by our actions , our ministries will be fruitful . It is no wonder , today , we do not experience New Testament kind of revival in our fellowships and Churches . We have become so critical of others . We are so careful in pointing out the faults of others . But we fail to see our own faults . We ourselves have a plank in our eyes , but we are concerned about the speck in our brothers ' eyes . Note what the Bible says : Rom 14:10 - “ Why do you pass judgment on your brother ? Or you , why do you despise your
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