BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing Sep 2018 Emagazine | Page 8

D . Jason , Missionary , BYM
www . bymonline . org | SEPTEMBER 2018


A Defence For The Deity Of Christ

D . Jason , Missionary , BYM

To attack the Divinity of Jesus Christ has been the devil ' s prime motive for the past 2000 years .
The Jews who lived during Jesus ' time were very much angry when He claimed His deity . Note the following verse :
John 5:18 “ This was why the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him , because not only was he breaking the Sabbath , but he was even calling God his own Father , making himself equal with God .”
While Jesus was on the earth He made absolute claims about Himself . When God appeared to Moses in the burning bush , he asked for the name of the Lord . See how the conversation goes on :
Exo 3:13,14 “ Then Moses said to God , “ If I come to the people of Israel and say to them , ' The God of your fathers has sent me to you ,' and they ask me , ' What is his name ?' what shall I say to them ?” God said to Moses , “ I AM WHO I AM .” And he said , “ Say this to the people of Israel : ' I AM has sent me to you '.”
It is the very same phrase , ' I AM ' that Jesus uses about Himself . Read the following verses carefully :
John 6:51 “ I AM the living bread that came down from heaven . If anyone eats of this bread , he will live forever . And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh .”
John 8:12 - “ I AM the light of the world . Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness , but will have the light of life .”
John 10:9 - “ I AM the door . If anyone enters by me , he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture .”
John 10:11 - “ I AM the good shepherd . The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep .”
John 11:25 - “ I AM the resurrection and the life . Whoever believes in me , though he die , yet shall he live ”
John 14:6 - “ I AM the way , and the truth , and the life . No one comes to the Father except through me .”