www.bymonline.org | SEPTEMBER 2018
We are to form a fixed habit of keeping the mind
on the things of God. We are to keep Christ in the
mind. We are to think of the traits of His character; of
His relation to the Heavenly Father and to the Holy
Spirit; think of what God is now doing for us; think of
the saints and angels in heaven; think of the Divine
Presence with us (Matt 28:18-20; John 14:15-17;
Acts 17:24-28).
We are to think of the coming of Jesus, and the
things of His millennial kingdom; think of thousands
of things pertaining to our future in the heavenly
world, until the whole life becomes an unbroken,
calm, sweet vision of the supernatural world and
supernatural beings.
This habit of deep, divine thoughtfulness will
work wonderful effects in our lives. It will put a slow,
measured gentleness in our words and manners; it
will shut off everything loud and boisterous and rash
and impatient; it will keep our inner senses opened to
the whispers of the Holy Ghost or the touch of our
guardian angel.
It will make prayer easy at any time of day; it
will wean us from the visible and sensuous things of
the world; it will make God and heaven bright
realities to us; it will put a calmness in our features
and a sweetness in our expressions, and a delicate
polish in the actions of the soul.
Our thoughts make up the overwhelming part
of our lives; what we think, we are, or else will soon
become. So let us keep our mind on heavenly things.
Let us go to sleep every night thinking of God or
Jesus, and wake up every morning with the thought
of God in our mind.
This can be done, and is the safeguard against
the entrance of evil things, for even to the most
diligent in this direction there will still be enough
mental lapses and evil suggestions injected by
demons to form a daily trial, and to drive us to prayer.
The apostle speaks of “casting down
imaginations…and bringing into captivity every
thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor 10:3-5).
Blessed Paraclete! Helper Alongside
The climax of all remedies is to cultivate
intimate communion with the Holy Spirit recognize
the Holy Spirit as having charge of you, and of your
life, and all your temporal and social and spiritual
affairs. Behave toward the Holy Spirit as you would
toward Jesus were He visibly with you. Talk to Him;
express love to Him; make Him your constant
Companion in everything in life in the small, as in
great things.
Ask Him to reveal the Father and the Son to
you; ask Him to show you every duty, to reveal to
you things to come (John 16:13-14). Make Him your
intimate Friend; listen to His voice; expect Him to
impress you with the daily will of God.
Form a habit of prompt and unquestioning
obedience to His tender impressions upon your
heart. Let the Holy Spirit be an invisible ocean of
spotless light, in which you bathe. Leave all your
infirmities and sorrows or tears, and all your
vicissitudes or temperament and life, into His
personal power. Be always craving a deeper,
stronger union with Him.
Remember that perpetual progress will alone
prevent retrogression.
Appreciate one smile or reproof from the Holy
Spirit more than all the applause of angels or men.
Accept every correction and reproof that He speaks
into your mind; love His rebukes infinitely more than
the praises of others.
Remember, it is the great work of the Holy
Ghost to impart the Christ-life, to unfold the divine
personalities in our spirit, and expect Him to do great
things in this direction; He will work marvels if we
firmly expect them.
The love of God our Father, the grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy
Spirit, be with you all. Amen.
Do not miss
the revival messages in Tamil
that we air in the Sathiyam TV
every Wednesday
5:30 AM - 6:00 AM.