BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing English May 2017 | Page 12

Preventive Prayer Partners (PPP) Prevention is better than cure. This proverb is not practiced in missionary work. Only when calamities or problems hit the missionaries, we mobilize prayer for their deliverance. Why don't we have some regular PREVENTIVE PRAYER for them? Here are five basic preventive needs of missionaries Prevention from Defilement The enemy's arrows are aimed at the missionaries to weaken their testimony. Loss of personal holiness creates hollowness both in life and work. Sex is a great snare. Prevention from Diseases Every other missionary becomes sick due to adverse climatic conditions, poor sanitation, lack of balanced diet, and inadequate rest. The devil rejoices to see the worker inactive because of some physical weakness. Prevention from Depressions Separation from children and family people, problems of children, fruitlessness in the field, unkind and inconsiderate leadership, financial stress, lack of fellowship and spiritual food, and such things leave the missionary depressed. Unless he enjoys a free spirit, he cannot serve joyfully. Prevention from Divisions There's hardly a mission field where there's no relationship problem between the workers. When unity and team spirit are lost, there's no blessing in the work. Prayer must be constantly made that the missionaries glorify God with “one mind and one mouth.” Prevention from Dangers Missionaries die of accidents, snake or insect bites, food-poisoning, epidemics, etc. The promises of Mark 16:18 and such passages must be daily claimed for them. During their outstation programmes, the workers' houses are sometimes looted. Besides all these, there are threats from the enemies of the Gospel. We invite you to become a Preventive Prayer Partner (PPP) in our missionary work. Call us or write to us if you are burdened. We will allot you a missionary for whom you must pray regularly covering the five needs mentioned above. You will hear from the missionary quarterly about his or her welfare. There's no other obligation for you than to pray. Let each missionary have the privilege of several persons praying daily for his or her spiritual, mental, physical and social needs. Here's an opportunity for you to go to the mission fields on knees! If you are burdened to pray for missionaries,contact us, BYM PPP 8/10, I Street, State Bank Colony, Thiruvottiyur, Chennai 600 019 Call: + 91 9445278410 / +91 44 2599 2015 Email us: [email protected] |PAGE 12|