like climbing up the stairs . Paul said that he considered his wealth , status , name , fame and piety as rubbish when compared to the knowledge of God .
Phil 3:8 - “ I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord , for whose sake I have lost all things . I consider them garbage , that I may gain Christ ”
J . I . Parker ' s ' Knowing God ' is a excellent book . I encourage you to read it . This knowledge of God grows through the studying of the Scriptures . But the Lord says , “ I wrote for them the many things of my law , but they regarded them as something foreign ” ( Hos 8:12 ). And look at the Lord ' s Judgment , “ Because you have rejected knowledge , I also reject you as my priests ; because you have ignored the law of your God , I also will ignore your children ” ( Hos 4:6 ).
Dear people of God , wake up ! We cannot refute these charges that the Lord brings against us . Let us not justify or argue . We have no option but to fall at His feet and surrender to Him . It is time to cast off our masks , repent and be reconciled to Him . We ourselves are the stumbling blocks to revival . May we cleanse ourselves and stand in the gap for the redemption of our Nation !
It was January 24th 2017 when we realised that God is wanting us to move to a newer plane . We received an email from a new sponsor enquiring about the feasibility of conducting an Online Missionary Dedication programme . Though we did not know the technical knowhow , God gave us the courage to say , “ Yes ” and it marked the dawn of a new era for Missionary Sponsorship .
With technical guidelines from our partners , we ventured on . Missionary Lourthu Xavier Raj travelled from Gujarat to Chennai . On 26th March 2017 , 26 people gathered at Chennai for the dedication programme and joined with the congregation of Poznan International Church ( PIC ), Poland ( the sponsoring church ) for a time of praise and worship ( through Google Hangouts ). Mr . Samuel Ratnasamy presented the needs in India . Following a song from our end which was led by Mr . Godfrey , missionary Lourdhu Xavier shared his testimony . Our senior missionary , Mr . Sundaramurthy shared the Word of God . Pastor Richard , PIC prayed for the missionary and our Treasurer , Mr . Prince Ravindran thanked the church for their initiative . “ We never knew Poland was so near ” was one of the participant ' s comment . We thank Mr . NevaneethSelvan who had been instrumental in coordinating this event . Praise be to God who “ calls into existence the things that do not exist ” ( Rom 4:17 ).
< bymonlinedesk @ gmail . com >
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