March 2018
Emergency of Evangelism Mr . Sornakumar , Tamil Nadu
Today there are several competitive exams for Government jobs . In order to secure high marks in these tests , there are many training institutes . And there is a scramble for these institutes . But we have failed to train the next generation for the works of evangelism and missions . We have no more conviction that ' Jesus is the only way ' and ' Evangelism is our only job .' The intention of writing about evangelism is not that we do not know it but to remind us of God ' s burden and the unfinished mission of evangelism .
Evangelism can be defined in various ways :
Sharing the love of Jesus Christ to the needy people
Showing the way to life to those heeded to the way of death
Shaking people from the delusion of worldliness
Shepherding the wayward sheep to become children of God
Sanctifying the people through the Blood of
Christ Strengthening them who are broken Splendor of Glory to the people who sit in ashes
When there is an emergency , we act immediately . The Gospel work is an urgent work . It needs to be done immediately . God sent His Son with a Mission . Jesus was committed to that Mission . He started it and committed it to His disciples . When He sent the 70 disciples to the lost villages of Israel , He asked them to pray to God the Father to send in more workers . To those whom he asked to pray , he also commanded them to go ( Luk 10:2-3 ).
Hence we are called not only to pray , but also to labour . The Lord ' s Second Coming is tarried because many who have been called have not obeyed . Many of the early disciples ministered in the far off countries . But we have not told the Good News even to our neighbours . Once there were more missionaries from abroad , now there is a new wave of native missionaries emerging . Nevertheless , the unfinished task in our Nation is great . We have Christian workers in every
State but what about the villages , taluks and small towns ? 17 % of the world population live in our country .
The Bible says that to the one much is given , much will be demanded . We have received the Lord of lords . Is it not our duty to share that love to others ? God came down from Heaven . He was perfect in beauty but He endured all the hardship to pay the penalty of Sin . We testify that we are crucified with Christ , yet we have never felt the compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ . He went after people preaching the Good News of the Kingdom . Apostle Paul did not bother about the struggles that he faced because he was filled with the love of God . It was this love that drove him beyond the borders . Even today we find people who gave up Government jobs to serve the Heavenly King because of the love of Christ that compelled them . We should not relax until the last person in our country hears about the love of God .
Lord Jesus warned that we can labour only when there is light . There is a time which is fast approaching when we cannot work ( John 9:4 ). Because of the approaching darkness , we need to speed up our efforts for evangelism . There is a lot more to be done and there are lot of people dying every moment . Every person who dies without Christ is a gain for the devil . Just ponder over the following statistics : 15 people die in accident for every hour in our country . In an hour 15 people kill themselves . India is having the one of the highest suicide rates in the world . Our lives are so fragile and we do not know about anybody ' s end . In such a situation as this , can we procrastinate the gospel work ? If only we had the kind of urgency and interest that we show for accumulating wealth , the world would have been filled with the Gospel of Christ . On the contrary , if
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