BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing English E-magazine March 2018 | Page 11
March 2018
Pains to Proclamation
Mrs. Divya Merin, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu
But I wonder, how the Lord's heart would feel
when each time we leave Him. He loved us with an
eternal love. He came down for us. He loved us first.
He endured hardship and suffered shame for us. He
was crucified for us. He did all these things for our
sake. Even today He is more than a friend to us. But
we hurt Him always. We forget the promises that we
make to Him. We forget to pray. We blame Him and
doubt Him. And as if all this is not enough, we
question His love for us.
As these thoughts were hammering my mind, it
was as though I felt the