December 2017
Blesso, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
Revivo in Odisha was held for the first time from
October 18th to 20th. There were 746 registered
participants from 8 districts of Odisha. The guest
speakers were Mrs. Minvelli Sapphire, Mrs. Prema
Chezhian and Mrs. Ruth Manivannan. The theme of
the camp was WOW Women of Wisdom. 95% of the
participants were filled with the anointing of the Holy
Spirit. 214 women decided to form 'Deborah Cells' in
their locality. The total expenses of Rs.1,87, 498 was
raised locally. All Glory to Him!
Bible Lovers Camp, Mysuru,
A three day revival camp, 'Blesso' was held in Hosanna
Mandiram in Guntur from September 27th to 30th. Mr.
E.L. Mathansingh, Mr. Dickson, Mr. Barnabas, Mr.
Mohanakrishnan and Mr. Jason were the resource
persons. 'Kids Blesso' was led by Bro. Dhana Sandeep
and his team. The total attendance was 350. ESAP was
introduced and 54 prayer cells were formed. Literature
worth of Rs. 24,643/- was sold and the total expenses of
Rs. 2,83,715 was raised locally.
Blesso, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
250 people from 7 different churches participated in a
'Bible Study Programme' held in Mysuru on 9th
September. In a first of its kind, 12 Pastors attended
this event. The theme of the study programme was,
'The authority, inspiration, interpretation,
meditation and application of The Bible.' The
messages were given by our senior missionary Mr. Y.
Paul Dinakaran. The expenses were met locally.
Praise be to Him!
Blesso was held in Jabalpur after 12 years. 338
participated from 7 states. The theme of the camp was,
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