December 2017
while he was sleeping. Praise God that he escaped
Pray for the spiritual life of 40 youth leaders.
Pray for the healing of Sonali who is suffering from
are opposing the Gospel work.
For healing - Thandabani, Vadiappan, Annamalai,
Angalai (Kidney problem); Neelaveni (Cancer) and
Vijaya(Eye problem).
Odisha Telangana
Praise and Pray Praise and Pray
A family which had been persecuting our congregation
in a village has come to the Lord. A six member team visited our UP fields and were
encouraged. Of the six, five were pastors.
Kuni was delivered from demon possession. Now her
entire family has come to the Lord. 45 cancer patients heard the Gospel. Pray for their
physical and spiritual healing.
56 made a public commitment to the Lord. Mighty, 5 years old, has undergone heart surgery for the
third time. Pray for complete healing.
Pray for the healing of Samson from swollen stomach
and Sukuru from paralysis.
Uttar Pradesh
Praise and Pray
punjab 11 made a public commitment to the Lord.
Praise and Pray Sadhna suddenly lost her eye sight. Through prayers she
is able to see now.
Missionary Paul David visited two Churches and shared
the Word of God and promoted Blessing literature.
A prayer cell has been started in Ludhiana.
Pray for the salvation of Arjun.
Praise and Pray
18 made a public commitment to the Lord.
After prayer Vasanth was healed from Arthritis and
Avinash was healed from Dengue.
Pray for healing - Chamba (Nerve Problem); Surendar
and Arushi (Mental Illness) and Santhosh (Arthritis).
Pray for salvation - Shankar, Sita, Pooja, Gyarsi, Devi,
Ram Swaroop, Maya and Gulati.
A venomous snake coiled around Preeti's leg.
Immediately she started praying and the snake quietly
left her without harming her.
Bhulani, Achalal, Vinachal, Sivakumar, Neeraj,
Bikrant, Jaihindh and Kamla to be delivered from
demon possession.
West Bengal
Praise and Pray
Medical camps held at 3 places were beneficial to 150
Dinesh, a seeker to come to the Lord.
For backslidden believers - Susila, Maria, Fulchan,
Rekha, Ruban and Rajeni.
Radhashyam to be delivered from evil spirit.
Our native worker Luniah's son died in an accident. Pray
for the bereaved family.
tamil nadu
Praise and Pray
Venkatesh has come back to the fold.
Soundaraj made a public commitment to the Lord.
Pray for Saravanan, Madhappan and Ponnusamy who
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