BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing EmagazineDecember 2017 | Page 20

December 2017 Jesus Christ to him. Now he is alright. We visited him regularly, prayed and shared about Christ. Mukta was suffering from paralytic attack. After prayer she is completely cured and comes to worship service. 11 youth attended a youth meeting in Cuttack and were very much blessed. 2 of them committed for God's ministry. Mr. Jeydev Singh and his wife heard the Gospel for the first time and accepted Christ. DIPTIPUR: In 35 places, people are gathering and worshiping the Lord. A total of 252 believers are gathering every week. In 2 places new congregations have sprung up. We have started visiting 9 new villages. In 7 places Sunday School classes are going on. 158 children are benefitted. There are many broken houses for which we provide thick polythene sheet to cover their roofs during rainy season. We need to repair these houses or build them new houses. 4 People have openly confessed the Lord. In 2 places, Ladies' prayer cells are conducted. 28 ladies are growing in God's word. Documentary of the Happy Home which you can show to your friends. You can watch the documentaries in youtube also (Search 'feed odisha'). Both the CDs were prepared by Mr. Thomas Livingstone and Sugirtha Livingstone. It is good to remember them who worked hard for Feed Odisha. It will be good if you give us your mobile number and email Id when you send your contribution. Write to us for the Feed Odisha Newsletter which we can send by post or email. With love, S. Jeyaraj Address for Correspondence & Contributions: Blessing Youth Mission, Church Colony, Vellore 632 006, India. Tel: 00 91 416 2242943, 2248943. Email , NEW CHURCH: Construction in four villages is awaited. The estimated budget for these churches is Rs. 12 Lakhs. Feed Odisha relief work has been going on for the past sixteen years. Many congregations have come up. Out of these we have selected four places for church construction. We worship in sophisticated church buildings with benches and chairs and a/cs . Should we not help these poor believers? For any information contact: S. Jeyaraj, Mobile: 08987425627 / 08709118914. Money orders, Cheques, Bank drafts to be sent in favour of BLESSING YOUTH MISSION (8, Church Colony, Vellore 632 006) Any relief material may be sent by TCI Lorry service to Bargarh, Odisha and the Way bill to Mr. S. Jeyaraj, Ashish Seba Sadan, Champabtipur, (Po) Tora, Dist Bargarh, Odisha 768104. By God's grace we have eradicated starvation deaths in the two districts where we work, where it was rampant before we set foot. Please share Feed Odisha news with your friends and seek their support so that we can take up one more district where people are starving. Write to us for the Feed Odisha CD and a |PAGE 20|