BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing EmagazineDecember 2017 | Page 19

December 2017
Dear Friends ,
FEED ODISHA REPORT The Relief Work of BYM in Odisha
Greetings ! Mr . Abimonue and his wife Pramodhini , who worked tirelessly for Feed Odisha for the past 9 years have moved to another field . Mr . S . Jeyaraj and his wife Jeyajothi have taken over from August 2017 . We welcome them in the name of the Lord . They are zealous for the Lord and full of ideas to take Feed Odisha forward for the blessing of the poor and unfortunate . You can read their testimony published in July 2016 issue of Blessing magazine . Pray for them and encourage them . It is Jeyaraj who writes this report . Please read the entire Newsletter carefully as there is lot of news for you apart from the routine news . - Lilian Stanley
POOR FEEDING : All the 12 widows we support on a regular basis are above 60 years and have no one to help them . Apart from these , every month 70 needy people are benefitted .
lakhs . We have Rs . 6 lakhs with us now . Because the home is in a low level area , there is water logging . Please help us if you can with your ideas .
TAILORING CLASS : 10 girls are regularly learning sewing in Diptipur .
KHARIAR ROAD : We visited six new villages and relief material was distributed to 20 people . 2 people were given medical treatment and 2 children are studying through the educational help provided . We have shared the Gospel among 70 people . 5 new villages were surveyed in Kermely panchayat .
TUITION CENTERS : In 12 places , tuition centres have been established . In Sohela 60 children are benefitted in 3 centres . 80 children are educated in Khariar road and in Diptipur , 110 children come to tuition classes in 4 centres . In a slum area in Bargarh , 40 children regularly attend . Sunday Schools are conducted in all the tuition centres .
HAPPY HOME : We have a total of 22 boys . This year 3 new boys have joined us . Pray for the renovation work of Happy Home . Recently Government officers visited and said , unless we add a sickroom and a dining hall , our registration would be cancelled . The estimate is approximately Rs . 12
SOHELA : We have shared the Gospel and distributed 40 New Testaments and tracts in 9 villages . Mr . Bisikeson was suffering from bone cancer for five months . He sold all that he had - gold , land and even his motorbike - for his treatment . But he wasn ' t cured . One of our believers introduced
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