BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing Emagazine English July 2019 | Page 8
JULY 2019 ||
I am a missionary
Dr.Mrs.Lilian Stanley
1. I am a missionary and so I work for God and not
for an organisation. Though I am under the discipline
of an organisation, whatever I do, I do with the fear of
God. God is my Master and so I subject myself to the
leaders. I quell any rebellious spirit that arises within
me. I will always strive to do what is right (Rom 13:1-
2. I am a missionary and so I will be bold to speak
the Gospel. I am dedicated to spread the Good News
and nothing will stop me from doing that. I will not
hesitate to carry Gospel literature wherever I go. I will
not give up easily on any soul. Soul-winning shall be
my passion. I will set a target and strive to achieve it
(Eph 6:19).
3. I am a missionary and so I will be active. I will
not be lazy. I will be a hard worker. I will show results.
I will not hesitate to walk or travel or sweat. I will
send my periodical reports on time. I will not give
excuses. I will be careful to work at least eight hours a
day (Jn 9:4).
4. I am a missionary and so I will not complain. I
will not complain about my allowances, housing,
hardships, food, transfer or anything. If I need any
clarification, I will politely discuss with the leaders. I
will praise God for the hardships. I face them
remembering the life of Jesus, Paul and early
missionaries (Phil 2:14).
5. I am a missionary and so I will keep my
conscience clear. I will keep careful account of the
money entrusted to me and never misappropriate it. I
will not write false reports, cheat the leaders or tell
lies. I will lead an honourable life before God and
before man. I will accept corrections humbly (Acts
6. I am a missionary and therefore I will take care
of my family. I want my family to be a model to the
non-Christians among whom we live. Therefore I will
not neglect my family responsibilities. I will spend
enough time with my spouse and children and see that
love, respect and joy reign our home (1 Tim 3:4,5).
7. I am a missionary and so I will expect miracles. I
will pray for miracles. I expect miraculous
conversions and other miracles too. I will claim God's
promises for miracles. I will boldly pray for the sick,
and help them medically too. I will not be
discouraged if I witness no miracles but believe, pray
and go ahead (Acts 4:29,30).
8. I am a missionary and so I will not seek
comforts. I will not become a burden for the
organisation but rather be a blessing. I will lead a
sacrificial life. I will look for a humble house and lead
a simple life. I will collect money for the organisation
and give to it from my own allowance also (2 Cor
9. I am a missionary and I will not fear persecution
because my reward on high will be great. Persecution
will not stop me from doing ministry. If I cannot work
in one place, I will go to another place and another, till
the Lord leads me to an open door. Knowing that hard
times are ahead, I will make use of every opportunity
to preach the Gospel (2 Cor 11:23-25).
10. I am a missionary and so I cannot afford to have
relationship problems. I will be humble, give up,
show love, forgive and forget, walk the second or
even the third mile to repair a broken relationship. I
will be transparent to my coworker and easy to live
with (1 Cor 13). If I am given an administrative
responsibility, I will not raise myself above the
missionaries under me but continue to be their
brother, showing all love, concern and understanding.
11. I am a missionary and so I will marry only a
person interested in serving God. I will not fall for
money or succumb to pressure. I will wait patiently
till the Lord brings me the right person. When I marry,
I will love and respect my partner till death do part us
(2 Cor 6:14).
12. I am a missionary and therefore I will take care
of my personal life more than others. I will never
forget my Bible meditation or Prayer Hour in the
name of ministry. I will lead a life above reproach. I
will put to practice what I read and grow everyday in
my spiritual life. Like Paul, should I not be able to say.
“Follow me, as I follow Christ”? (1 Tim 4:12).