BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing Emagazine English July 2019 | Page 7
JULY 2019 ||
b. He has to be commissioned in front of Eleazar and
all the congregation (Public Proclamation).
c. He has to be invested with some of the authority of
Moses even while he is alive (Disinvested Authority).
d. Joshua's word was given authority (Supervisional
Never leave the ministry in the dark.
Even if it is a prayer cell, or pledge collection, or any
other responsibility, we need to pray about it. We need
to ask God for directions.
Once God shows us the person, then it is
better to introduce him or her in a common gathering.
There must not be any ambiguity in the minds of the
people. Sometimes, we may have to do this
individually. We have to introduce the “designate” to
the people so that they respond to him.
Have a 'Bridge Period' so that they can
perform with a limited authority like Joshua. Let them
learn to perform under our guidance. And a day will
come when God will attest them and raise them.
Somebody said “Success without a
successor is not success”. Success of any ministry
depends on how it is carried on from one generation
of leaders to the next.
Even Jesus taught that people who
would come after Him can do greater deeds (John
14:12). Hence, let us always look out for the next-line
of leaders to pass on the baton. Let us involve
sufficient number of people in the decision-making
process. Let us develop leaders so that the ministry
can be taken to greater heights after our time.
In spite of all the weaknesses and
shortcomings in the life of David, he could finish the
work that the Lord called him to do.
Act 13:36 “For David, after he had served the
purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and
was laid with his fathers.”
“The conclusion of the matter is more
important than the beginning” (Ecc 7:8). The conclusion
of our ministry is more important than our beginning. It is
God's grace and His strength that we need to rely on. And
He will fulfill all that He has planned for us (Phil 1:6).
To the attention of BYM Partners and subscribers
sending offerings
All those who want to send their offerings to BYM (for
missionary work, sponsorship, magazine subscription and
other supporting funds) you can do so through any one of
the following methods:
Home & NRE donors
Name : Blessing Youth Mission
A/c No. 10545849472
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch Name :Siruthozhil,
Vellore 632 006
Branch Code: 007274
IFSC No: SBIN0007274
Gulf Donors
A/c Name : T. Prince StachysRavindran
A/c No: 35374362080
Bank Name : State Bank of India
Branch Name :Siruthozhil
Vellore 632 006
IFSC No : SBIN0007274
Online payment
When you transfer your offering through net banking,
please make sure that you fill your name, address and the
details of fund to be used for in the remarks column and
notify us by any of the following methods
-SMS to 9445275410
-Phone call to +91 416 2242943 or 2248943
-Email to [email protected]
Those who have contributed through online from April
2018 to Feb 2019 and have not notified yet, are requested
to kindly send the details as early as possible. Thank you.