BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing Emagazine English July 2019 | Page 3

PAGE 3 JULY 2019 || All of us who are active in the Kingdom will definitely face criticism. We should be well equipped to deal with it. Whenever we are faced with criticism let us consider the following: a. Who is criticizing us? Is he spiritual? Is he genuine? Is he concerned about us and the ministry? Is he jealous? Is he trying to pull us down? Is he trying to discredit us and our ministry? - Let us analyze. b. What do they criticize? Do they have a point? Have we missed something? Is there anything we can improve or correct? Can this be turned into our good? Let us Plan a course of correction. c. Do they abuse us? Bad words, Name calling, Discrediting Ignore them. When dealing with criticisms we should not become emotional. Many who are new to ministry fail in this area miserably. Some react in a harsh way, some resign from ministry, others withdraw. But beloved, let us handle criticism patiently. Speak softly. Reply gently. Let us not let our spirits be disturbed. Let us not take decisions according to the flesh. 2) Diversions In Midlife Many fellowships, organizations, churches have lost their initial vision. As years roll by and when the founding fathers start to fade into the evening light, it is up to the younger generation to look for the ancient paths, sit and listen to the pioneers so that they keep up the initial vision and mission. Praise God that we in Blessing Youth Mission have a written Vision and Mission Statement which cannot be altered. Vision Statement of BYM “To ensure that the Church is filled with the Glory of God and the world is reached with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus” (Revival and Evangelism) Mission Statement of BYM “Laboring for the Renewal of the Church and mobilizing the youth to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ” (Revival among Youth and Evangelism thru Youth). Revival is our goal. Evangelism is the outcome. Youth is our Strategy. That is why we are called, “Blessing Youth Mission.” Let us learn how David was diverted in his mid-life: We find David to be in a complacent th mode when we come to 2 Samuel 16 chapter. The kingdom of Israel has been established under him. In the time when kings go for war, David remained in Jerusalem. As God's general he was supposed to fight the Lord's battles. It was for this reason God had called him and anointed him. But he failed in his duty. Excusing ourselves from God-given responsibilities is the first step towards moral and spiritual degeneration. Mid-life is a crucial stage in any one's life. It is during these years, people are not satisfied with themselves and their families. They want to slow down. They want to relax. They want to settle-down. Nevertheless, we need to be watchful in these critical years. It is during these years, people over- delegate things. David thought Joab would take care. But what he failed to realize was that, as a warrior and king, his moral support was still needed. We find people backing off citing age and other reasons. We should never forget that there is no retirement in God's ministry. We need to labour till the end of our life. May be we cannot run like we did in our youth days, but the vision and burden cannot be compromised. Methodologies can be changed without compromising the initial vision. God has not called us to serve Him till a particular (retirement) age. Our commitment is for life. Although some organizations, including ours, do have a retirement age for administrative reasons, this is not to be taken as a token for retirement from the ministry. We may retire from a particular organization or an institution but never from ministering unto the Lord. Our devotion to Christ is till our last breath. This can never be altered. During mid-life, we can creatively think of different methods of ministry and try to implement them without compromising on the initial vision and mission. We need to continuously be active till our last breath. On the other hand, when we become relaxed and retire from active ministry, there is always a danger for immoral relationships. These are terrible days where we can establish immoral