BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing e magazine May 2019 | Page 5
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The clearer the insight we obtain into this
principle, the more deeply shall we feel how little we
can do to grasp the blessing by our own desiring, or
endeavoring or believing. All our desiring, and
striving and believing can only issue in a more
complete acknowledgment that we ourselves can do
nothing to win the boon. It is the goodness of God
alone that must give it. It is His omnipotence that
must work it in us. Our disposition must be one of
silent assurance that the Father desires to give it to
us; that He will not keep us waiting one moment
longer than is absolutely necessary; and that there
shall not be a single soul which persists in waiting in
the pathway of self-abnegation and dependence that
shall not be filled with the glory of God.
Every tree continues always to grow from the root
out of which it first sprang. The day of Pentecost was
the planting of the Christian Church, and the Holy
Spirit became the power of its life. Let us turn back
to that experience. There is our power still. We learn
from the disciples what is really necessary.
Attachment to Jesus, the abandonment of everything
in the world for Him, despair of self and of all help
from man, holding on to the Word of promise, and
then waiting on God, “the living God” this is the
sure way of living in the joy and the power of the
Holy Spirit.
(From The Full Blessing Of Pentecost by Andrew
Mr. M. Rajan (Age 84), father of Mr. Jabez went
to be with the Lord on 25th January 2019 in
Tuticorin. He was born to Hindu parents in small
village in South Tamil Nadu. He accepted Lord during
his school days. He came in contact with Blessing
Youth Mission in the year 1990 and then on became
our Pledge Collector (Mission Mobilizer).
He loved missionaries and their children greatly. He
also supported Missions like IEM, IMS, VMM, ICGM,
VISHWAVANI& IBT. He was a faithful steward till the
end. Their children and grandchildren have pledged
to continue the ministry of their father. May Heaven
repay them with its choicest blessings in the days to
come. Kindly pray for the bereaved family members.
May 2019 |