BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing e magazine May 2019 | Page 4

Page 4 which so hampers us as secret reliance on something in ourselves or in the Church around us which we imagine can help us! On the other hand, there is nothing that brings so much blessing as entire despair of ourselves and of all that is upon the earth, in the way of teaching us to turn our hearts only and wholly to heaven and to partake of the heavenly gift which comes thence. They received and held fast the promise of the Spirit given by the Lord Jesus In His farewell address on the last night of His sojourn on earth, Jesus comforted His disciples in their sorrow over His departure with one great promise namely, the mission of the Holy Spirit from heaven. This was to be better than His own bodily presence among them. It would be to them the full fruit and power of His redemption. The divine life yea, He Himself, with the Father was to make abode within them. The unheard-of wonder, the mystery of the ages, was to be their portion. They were to know that they were in Him and He in them. At His ascension from the Mount of Olives, this promise of the Spirit was the subject of the last words He addressed to them. May 2019 | fast; or rather, the promise held them fast and would not let them go. They all had only one thought: something has been promised to us by our Lord; it will give us a share in His heavenly power and glory; we know for certain that it is coming. Of what the thing itself was or of what their experience of it was to be, they could give no account. It was enough for them that they had the Word of the Lord. He would make it a blessed reality within them. It is just the same disposition that we have so much need of now. To us also, even as to them, has the Word of the Lord come concerning the Spirit who is to descend from the throne in the power of His glorified life. “He that believeth in Me…out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38). For us also it is the one thing needful to hold fast that word; to set our whole desire upon the fulfillment of it; to lay aside all else until we inherit the promise. The word from the mouth of Jesus concerning the reception of the Spirit in such measure that we shall be endued with power from on high must animate and fill us with strong desire, with firm and joyful assurance. They waited upon the Father until the performance of the promise came and they were filled with the Spirit The ten days of waiting were for them days in which they were continually in the Temple “praising and blessing God” and “with one accord in prayer and supplication” (see Acts 1:14). It is not enough for us to endeavor to strengthen desire and to hold fast our confidence. The principal thing is to set ourselves in close and abiding contact with God. The blessing must come from God; God Himself must give it to us; we are to receive the gift directly from Him. What is promised us is a wonderful work of divine omnipotence and love. What we desire is the personal occupancy and indwelling of God the Holy Spirit. God Himself must bestow this personally upon us. It is evident that the disciples had still but little idea of what this promise signified. But however defective their understanding of it was, they held it A man gives another a piece of bread or a piece of money. He gives it away from himself and has nothing further to do with it. It is not thus with God's gift of the Holy Spirit. No: the Spirit is God. God is in the Spirit who comes to us, even as He was in the Son. The gift of the Spirit is the most personal act of the Godhead: it is the gift of Himself unto us. We have to receive it in the very closest personal contact with God.